Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Once Upon a Time

By Daniel Pekker

Once upon a time, the world ceased to exist. Of course nobody noticed because, well, they were part of the world that happened to not exist anymore. Little Timmy didn't say anything about the matter, because he didn't exist. Now, in a plane where nonexistent things exist, appeared the world. It didn't usually exist, but this plan was an exception. Little Timmy still didn't say anything, because he was mute. The world, of course, wasn't the only thing to cease existing. Billions and billions of terrestrial and solar bodies didn't exist, too. It was like a non-existent universe in itself. And the universe, that hasn't lived happily ever after.

The End

Monday, April 2, 2012

The Audience

By Daniel Pekker

(Middle School One Acts for Drama Class)

Setting: Non-descript auditorium

Time: Present Day. Story elapses 30-60 min.

Character List:
- Alexei: 46, Russian, has accent, not talkative, married to Susan
-Susan: 44, American, talkative, always scolding Alexei, likes plays, dislike delays, married to Alexei
- Jeff: 33, American, father of Felix, brought Felix to play for “bonding”, feels awkward when talking to Felix
-Felix: 16, American, son of Jeff, stereotypical teenager, likes baseball, dislikes dad
-Death: age unknown, came to play on day off from work, in dark cloak and masked face
-Announcer: Offstage, by accident knocks out power in auditorium

- 10 chairs
-Large Potted Office Plant
-Scythe: held by Death
-Cellphone: used by Felix
-2 Play guides:  Read by Susan and Jeff

(Curtains open)
(Opening Setting: Chairs in 5 columns, two rows; Stage lights are as bright as office lights; potted plant is in the corner of the stage near steps, showing where characters enter the auditorium)
(Alexei and Susan enter)

Finally! We barely made it! (starts searching for seats)

 (Tired) There’s still 30 minutes left.

(Ignores Alexei’s comment) Quick, before all the good seats are taken! (drags Alexei to middle of front row of chairs)

(deep sigh)

(Reading play guide) I love this play! Back when I was a little girl, I had the main role in it. (daydreamy look on face) I was so famous. (continued on next page)

Could’ve become a star! (snaps out of it) But then I woke up. (looks back at guide) Hey, look! Isn’t (squints) Dra… Dragamui… Dragi… (shakes head) this guy your dentist? (shows Alexei guide)

(sighs, tired) Just because his name is long and sounds Russian doesn’t mean I know him.

Really I’m pretty sure he’s your dentist.

Alexei:  (deep sigh)
(Jeff and Felix walk in, Felix is texting on cell-phone)

Well, we’re here!

(doesn’t stop texting, sarcastic) Whoop-de-doo. (irritated) I don’t see why we even have to go to this stupid show. Who even goes to plays these days, anyway? I watch everything online.

C’mon! Some father to son bonding time! Y’know! (pretending to be “cool”) I heard it’s the thing nowadays! Radical!

(Looks up from phone) Dad, nobody says “radical” anymore. (sighs) Let’s find a seat. I’m tired of standing. (Walks over to edge of front row, sits, and continues texting, Jeff follows and sits next to him)

(looking at guide, suddenly excited) It says here there’s a soundtrack from Queen! (looks at Felix) That’s still cool, right?

(looks at Jeff, confused) Who? A queen will be singing?

(horrified look on face) Ah… (sigh) never mind.

(looks disapprovingly at Felix, then whispers to Alexei) We are never having a kid! The rotten teenagers are the worst!

Alexei: (nods)
(Suddenly, lights dim, eerie music and evil laugh in background, Death enters, spotlight points at it, dramatically enters, waving scythe, walks over to and sits at last seat in front row, next to Susan, all characters stare with horror at Death, Susan tries to push own chair away from Death, music and SFX abruptly stop simultaneously with lights turning back on)

(humorous tone) You guys should see your faces! You look like you saw a ghost! Get it? Ghost? (starts to hysterically laugh as other characters exchange glances, abruptly stops laughing, serious) I’m messing with you guys. It’s my day off.

Ladies and Gentlemen! We would like to inform you that we will be beginning the production early since you were the only ones to buy tickets.

(forgets about Death, extremely excited) Ohmagash! Finally! Alexei! You better pay attention, or else forget about dinner tonight. I will quiz you after the show!


(shakes head, continues texting)

And now, we would like to present the… (voice fades, pause) …hmm, strange. We appear to have some technical problems. The lights won’t work. Hmm. How about this button- (lights suddenly dim, electricity SFX, Announcer is cut off)


(Trying to quiet Susan) Honey, please sit down. You’re causing a scene.


(relaxed) Way ahead of you. I already have an appointment with them both in about a week.

I would stick around to hear more of this fun conversation, but I have a test to fail tomorrow. (motioning towards Jeff) Let’s go.

But the show will start any moment, as soon as they fix the problem.

(sits down, starts pouting) You wish.

(whispering to Jeff) The Giants have a game today. I don’t want to miss it.

(sighs) Fine. But no texting on the ride back home. We’ll actually talk.


(sarcastic) I know it’s hard to believe, but some people talk… for recreation.

Yeah. Sure. Whatever. Let’s go.
(Felix and Jeff exit)

(hopeful to go home) Hm. Hardly anyone here. Seems like the show won’t start. We might as well leave now.

(stands up) You know what? For once, you’re right. This show isn’t worth my time. Let’s go to another theater. (stands up)

(sighs) Okay.
(Susan exits with Alexei shuffling close behind)

(to itself) This was way easier than I expected. (yelling to side) Hey, they left! Start the show! (pause) Hey! Darn. Not again. (claps twice) (saying spell) Revive. (to self) I have got to stop killing people by accident. (electricity SFX, lights brighten)

(to self) That was some shock, huh. (loud) Thank you for your patience. Remember our deal. Three extra years!

(loud) Yep! (To self, quiet) More like three weeks. (chuckles)

And now, we present to you, our production!
(curtains close)

Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Time Warp

By Daniel Pekker

Mike runs into his house yelling, “Mom, Dad, I got Time Warp, the game I was telling you about!” He doesn’t notice a man with a black coat and a shotgun standing in the corner of his front yard. Without waiting for a response from his parents, Mike inserts the game into his computer. The screen lights up and shows, “Time Warp, A Game for Time Travelers” Then the game starts. It shows a boy sitting on a chair in front of his computer playing a game. Suddenly something whizzes at the boy on the screen, misses him, and hits the computer, causing it to blow up. Sharp pieces and debris fly all over the screen.

Mike gets confused of where is the game itself. Suddenly, he hears a gunshot from behind him. Something small slightly misses him and hits the computer.

The computer blows up.

Mike yells.

A large flash, then nothing…

Mike runs into his house yelling, “Mom, Dad, I got Time Warp, the game I was telling you about!” He doesn’t notice a man with a black coat and a shotgun standing in the corner of his front yard.

June 2009

Just a Test

By Daniel Pekker


Derick was confused. His parents acted weird and uptight all day. He expected them to be excited since his sixth birthday was coming up and he just graduated from kindergarten, but no. He was too frightened to ask why. If he got them annoyed, he might not get what he wants.

For his birthday party his mother said she planned to have a Slip-and-Slide and other games in their large backyard, but so far he saw no signs of them. Maybe it’s a surprise, he thought.

The day before his birthday, his parents called a family meeting, which they had only for very important reasons.

Derick’s father sighed and said to Derrick, “You may have noticed that we didn’t get anything for your party yet.” He hesitated. “We won’t be having a party.”

Derick’s eyes widened, and then filled with tears.

His mother hastily said, “We will have it another day. You see, the government is trying to control the population. So they need to only have the smartest people here. They have all six-year-olds take a test. You will take yours tomorrow.”

“What happens to those who don’t pass?” Derick quietly asked.

His parents exchanged looks. His mother looked away. “They go to a special place. But don’t worry; we are sure you’ll pass. It’s just a test, after all,” said his mother positively.

The ride to the place was moderately short. It was in a large business like building.

An employee led them to an office and told them to wait.

Then, a voice rang out of nowhere, “Mr. and Mrs. Darew, please leave the room.”

Derick’s mom sobbed as she hugged Darren. His father shook his hand gravely.

When they left the voice said, “These questions aren’t based on school questions, they are based on life, logic, and psychological questions. Answer to the best of your ability. Good luck. Complete this pattern: red, red, green…”

After one hour, and employee walked up to Derick’s parents with a dismal face. “The test is over. Would you like to burn the body, or would you like to bury it?”

June 2009


By Daniel Pekker

Space races are exciting. Whenever I rush past the asteroids and meteors I feel that fantastic flow of adrenaline. I looked to my right to see my friend, Lucas. We both were confident in beating the other.

 “Racers, start your interstellar drives and engines.” The announcer yelled through the megaphone.

I typed in the command to start my ship and grabbed onto the controls.

 “Ready, Set, Go!” The announcer seemed as excited as us because he was shrieking so loud that one of Lucas’s pit crew members fainted.

I shot out in front of Lucas and immediately attached a fuel cell to my ship’s speed engine. A huge blew flame blasted out it. I dodged three large asteroids and then made a large loop over a huge comet.

Lucas mimicked me and attached a fuel cell to his ship. He flew up to me until we were side by side. I tried slamming my ship into his to push him away, but something went wrong. I heard a click and then my ship exploded.

I woke up in a hospital bunk. Wires and liquid bags and tubes surrounded me. I felt weak and tired. The hospital was very quiet, as if it was empty. I looked around and also noticed someone slumped against the wall.

 “Hello?” I said with my greatest effort.

The person shuddered and looked up. It looked like Lucas, except that he had burns and scars that hadn’t healed yet all over his face. Under his eyes were large dark spots.

 “You’re awake! Great. How are you? Feeling better? Did I surprise you?” He barraged me with questions until I silenced him.

 “What happened?”

 “When our ships crashed you flew out of the ship into space. The medics quickly picked you up. I didn’t sustain any injuries, just landed back and…”

I fell asleep later. I don’t know how long I slept, but when I woke up many people surrounded me.
“He woke up!” someone yelled.
“Where…is Lucas?” I asked with immense exertion.
Everyone got quiet. Then a doctor came up and said, “Lucas flew out of his ship when you crashed into him. He is gone forever…”

June 2009

An Odd Glow

By Daniel Pekker

The following radio dialogue has been recorded between Moffet Field, CA, and a scouting spaceship, The Sonic Wave, which consisted of 5 crew members and was heading to examine Pluto’s surface. This event is kept classified by the government until further notice.

September 18, 2114
3:27 A.M.
Day 23 in space

 S.W. (Sonic Wave):
Moffet, we have spotted an odd, circular, greenish glow located about 5,000 miles from the ship’s prow. Certainly not a star. What do you command we do?

M.F. (Moffet Field):
Continue on your route. Let us know if it does anything. If required, go around it.

25 minutes later

It is now 2,500 miles from the ship. It has changed its color to light red. What do you command we do?

Readings show that the object is not a know galactic object, and doesn’t have any mass. Still, go around it.

30 minutes later

It is now 700 miles from the ship. It has turned crimson red, almost as if it’s angry… What do you command us to do?

……… I have received word from the President of NASA that he wishes you to stop and inspect the glow for further studies. Do so.

1 hour later

 (Panicky voice)  Something isn’t right here. The glow has grown larger and redder. (Screams and Rumbling in background) It has exploded! Moffet, everything turned pitch black and- (Static Crackles)

Hello? What just happened? Are you guy’s ok? Hello?

(End of Recording)

What happened on this night is unknown and is being studied by scientists. There are four main theories of what happened. The most popular theory is that the crew flew into a very bright, small star that was unknown to our studies. One other theory is that the glow was a wormhole, which sent the Sonic Wave into another galaxy or further. Another hypothesis is that the glow was an extraterrestrial aircraft and either eliminated or abducted the spaceship. The last hypothesis, and the least-likely one, according to scientists, is that the glow was an entrance to an alternate universe or reality, and the Sonic Wave flew into it.    

June 2009

The Experiment

By Daniel Pekker

2993 C.E.

A small electric spark leapt off the wire. Twenty terrified, yet curious, eyes stared at the transparent machine that was meant to create the ultimate creature to serve and protect Earth. Professor Harowitz, a visiting scientist from Germany thought that the experiment would be a complete failure. Who has ever heard of not only creating extremely intelligent saurian creatures, raptors, from a small strand of DNA, but also adding human DNA for more intelligence? Only from that old classic, Jurassic Park, did foolish American scientists get the idea. They decided to brag to the whole world about the experiment by asking 20 scientists from other countries to come and “help out” with the experiment. He considered for the millionth time in the past month if he should just withdraw any help to the Americans. He decided against it to watch them make fools of themselves. Harowitz’s train of thought crashed as another spark appeared and disappeared on the wire.

Professor Hajamaki, from Japan, glared at Professor Malmon, an American who led the operation, and said with perfect English, “There is not enough power on the whole Earth to power this piece of junk! You said that the chance of the machine failing is one to one hundred thousand!”

Malmon replied calmly, “It is just powering up. Give it time.”
“For how long? A year? Maybe two?” piped up restless Professor Hoelle, the youngest scientist in the group and the only woman. She was from France, and was annoying everyone with waves of endless questions.

Harowitz bellowed at her, “Professor Malmon knows what he is doing. Just wait until the machine powers, as he says it will.” Harowitz did not, under any circumstances, want to miss the embarrassment that Malmon, and all of America, would receive when the experiment fails. Suddenly, a bright flash erupted from the machine, causing a few of the scientists to stumble back. A large figure materialized from the large waves of electricity. When the voltage cleared up, Harowitz gasped in amazement. Before him stood, on its hind legs, a 7 foot-tall lizard. It glared right at him with its crimson-red eyes. Malmon wasn’t shocked at all.

He stepped towards the creature and said in his usual, calm voice, “Welcome to Earth. Congratulations. You are the first of the Reptilian species.”

Chapter 1
200 years later

Relictum looked through the port-hole of the ship. All he saw were thousands and thousands of small shining stars. He looked away, not bearing the terrible fate that may await him behind any asteroid. Instead he thought about his first mission with weaponry. Relictum and a few of other, older Reptilians were sent on a “defense” mission. The humans called Geruti, the captain of the expedition, and told him to hunt down an overgrown killer worm on Mars. It was threatening the whole society there by recklessly destroying everything in its path. Relictum looked down at his laser blaster. Another quick wave of intoxication came over him as he gazed at his first blaster ever. Laser blasters were given to young Reptilians, such as himself. He was only twenty Earth years, so he received the weakest of weapons. He was fine with his laser blaster. After all, not every Beta Soldier received a blaster, only the “talented.” Usually, Beta soldiers like him only received weak, basic swords. Alpha soldiers received better weapons. Because of their promotion from Beta to Alpha, they received weapons such as beam swords, rocket launchers, and beam blasters.

Relictum looked back out the porthole. Suddenly, he noticed a slight movement behind an asteroid. Rebels! There were very few of them, but they attacked any ship in sight with very few losses of their own.

Relictum called to Geruti, “I saw something behind an asteroid!”
Geruti scoffed at him with disgust. “Why are you so worried and “blind”? Don’t you know that today we sent out a few drillers to look for ore in the asteroids? The humans are running out of ore on Earth.” Relictum looked down in embarrassment at the metal floor of the ship. How could my eyes fool me so easily?

The pilot’s voice came out of the overhead speaker, “Landing on Mars in ten Earth minutes.”
Relictum looked out the port hole for the third time. The clumps of asteroids were clearing up as Mars became closer and closer. When the ship was only just a few feet from the ground, a huge lurch sent the crew flying. Relictum leapt up and quickly tugged on his pressure suit. It contained a decent amount of air and could be weighed down to match the natural gravity that Reptilians were used to. He snatched up his blaster and leapt out of ship.

Chapter 2
The Operation

The worm was there, as if waiting. It was huge, almost a mile long, and a few yards wide. Unlike earthworms, it had dry skin. Relictum was almost blown back by its pungent smell. As he landed on the ground next to the worm, it attempted to dig back into the dirt. It failed to do so; instead it smashed its fat tail into the side of the ship. The ship sputtered a bit, and crashed on top of the worm. Then it was thrown in the air by the worm, again lashing its tail. Relictum aimed his blaster where he guessed the head was. As he pushed the trigger, a laser shot out, and at the speed of light, hit the worm. From where the shot hit the worm, a green stream of blood oozed out. The ship landed a few feet away from where the worm lay. Geruti leapt out with the wounded pilot, and then ran back in to fetch all the survivors. Relictum ran up to the worm and examined the wound. It seemed fatal, but he wasn’t that sure. All of a sudden, the worm’s tail flew up and slammed into Relictum.

The first thing Relictum noticed when he woke up was that his arms and tail felt numb. His right eye was also blind for some reason. He sat up and looked around with his good eye. He appeared to be in some kind of clinic. He was surrounded by a few lamps. Attached to his jaws was a water importer, through which he took a long drink of water. He noticed a bed across from him where the pilot of the ship lay. Geruti walked in and noticed that Relictum was awake.

“That was a foolish action you have done,” he said coolly. “You could have killed us all if you had missed. Then, the worm might have smashed our ship into debris and we would have been gone in a poof. But, on the bright side, you killed half of the worm.”

Noticing Relictum’s confusion and shock, he added, “The worm split in two once the tail smashed you. We shot the other half until it was dead.”

Relictum asked, “Where am I? For how long have I been unconscious?”
“You have been here for 2 days. You are in Mars’s infirmary. They transferred everything to the North side of Mars where, for some reason, the worm didn’t go. Unfortunately, some of your wounds were major, and needed operation. Your eye... well… your eye got knocked out of its socket when the tail slammed into you. That’s why it’s blind.”
Relictum stammered, “Wh-why do I-I fe-feel somethi-thing there?”
Geruti sighed and said with a doubtful voice, “We have placed a cyborgenetic eye in there.”
“Meaning it is like a cyborg eye. It is joining up with your eye tissue. In about 1 hour, you will be able to see. Except…”
“What?!” Relictum, was afraid to hear what was after the “except”, but he needed to know. “What do you mean, ‘except’?”
Geruti hesitated before saying what he had to say. “The president of the ‘Genetic Experimentation Council’ heard of your incident and so he ordered to use this chance to add, well, special machinery to your cyborgenetic eye and your claws.”
“Claws?!” Relictum looked down at his arms. Instead of natural Reptilian claws, he had huge sword-like sabers.
“They are retractable, and grow back immediately if even one is lost. That’s how they are cybergenetic,” Geruti quickly said. “And the eye allows you to see in total darkness, spot targets easily, and magnify this way beyond our seeing range. It also connects to your other eye, so you don’t get a headache.” The doctor came in. He was an elderly Reptilian wearing a white lab coat. Geruti turned back to Relictum and said something, but he wasn’t paying attention. He was staring at the drill in the doctor’s hand.

Chapter 3
Earth, The Final Frontier

Relictum leapt up and did something that left him shocked for a few minutes: as he leapt up, he pointed his new claws at the doctor. One of the claws ejected itself towards the doctor. The doctor tried to defend himself with the drill, but it got knocked out of his hands. Relictum jumped off the bed, yanking all the wires and tubes out of himself. He felt new power and strength flowing through him. With a furious roar he jumped at the doctor. Geruti, only half understanding what was happening, threw himself at him and knocked him down.
“What is wrong with you?!” He yelled as he struggled to pin Relictum to the floor.
The doctor yelled, “It’s the drill! Sorry if it intimidated you. I only wished to put it away in a drawer here.” Relictum calmed down, but he knew he didn’t like this doctor.
“I am Dr. Regyvee,” the new doctor introduced himself after the mess in the room got cleaned up. “I see that the claws have also given you strength, and anger.” A Reptilian nurse walked into the room and whispered something to Dr. Regyvee.
“Ah,” Dr. Regyvee said turning to Relictum, “the humans wish to see you, Relictum. I think you are fit enough to go to Earth. The ship is waiting outside, so hurry up.”

Earth was known to Reptilians as the planet from which humans ruled. Few Reptilians did not like being ruled by humans. Many liked it because humans created them, gave them a planet to live on, Venus, and provided them with supplies. In return, Reptilians protected and served them. Few Reptilians had actually gone to Earth, and when they returned, they didn’t tell the others anything, saying their work was confidential. Relictum felt nervous as the human ship, full of human guards with masks for unknown reasons, neared to Earth’s surface. A sudden jolt told him that they were now in the gravitational pull of Earth. He had no need to put on his pressure suit because his ancestors were created here, so, he too, was used to the environment. The ship neared an ocean called the Pacific. The ship slowed down, and then dove underwater. In a matter of seconds, it reached a huge building, located right in the middle of the ocean. It was where international experiments, tests, and discovery presentations happened. Relictum was lead to a large room, surrounded by glass walls.

A voice spoke out, loud and clear, but obviously artificial. “Your new technology will now be tested by an obstacle course. If you succeed, you will be rewarded with honor to go on the deadliest of missions. If you lose, we will have to destroy you.” Relictum turned around and tried to slam through the door and escape, but without success.

“Just kidding, sheesh. No need to be so dramatic. We won’t destroy you, just send you back to your planet. You are so gullible,” the voice suddenly changed to a humorous tone.
Yes I am, Relictum thought with disgust. “Time to begin,” the voice said with fake enthusiasm. Suddenly, a huge boulder appeared out of nowhere and flew straight at him. He slammed it with all his strength and it blew up into chunks. For the remainder of the hour, Relictum jumped over spikes in pitch dark, sliced through metal, and withstood 150 degrees. Normal Reptilians only withstood 100 degrees, but the eye somehow took in the heat and let it out little by little. Relictum didn’t know what eye and claws were made of, and how they worked, but he did know they were helpful.

Finally, the voice said, “Congratulations, you have become this planet’s ultimate warrior. Your first mission is to sabotage a rebel ship.”

Chapter 4
The Rebellion

At the same moment, on Pluto, rebels against the humans planned an attack on Earth. For one hundred years, they gathered all rebels from Venus and captured ships to form The Rebellion, made up of almost five billion rebelling Reptilians. The humans hardly noticed, since they didn’t keep records of their population. Rebels hated the humans, thinking they had too much power over the Solar System. “Humans had no right to command Reptilians,” said rebels to each other. “So what if they created Reptilians; Humans should have released them after that.”

As the short day of working came to an end, the leader, Jeracho, gathered up all rebels, and announced, “Our scientists have invented the Trinon, a powerful cannon meant to destroy whole cities. It will allow us to eliminate humans and non-rebellious Reptilians. Leave no survivors. Slaves are not needed. We have 800 ships with one Trinon for every 100 ships. The ships contain light-speed engines, so we can get to Earth fast, and if needed, retreat fast. We will eliminate the humans’ cruel reign. Now to your battle stations. Good luck.”

Chapter 5
The Erratta Cannon

“Relictum, go to the main lab, where your mission will be described in detail. Just go down the hallway and you will be there.” The voice said before fading away. The door opened. Relictum walked out and looked towards the end of the hallway. There he saw a door marked “Main Lab: Authorized Personnel Only.” Relictum walked in and looked around. All of the scientists were human and wearing masks, except a familiar Reptilian.
“Geruti! What are you doing here?” Relictum asked.
“The humans
I mean the scientists wanted me to help you out with your mission. I do not know what it is, as I assume you don’t either…”
“…which is why I will explain it to you.” A human female doctor came up from behind
Geruti. “My name is Dr. Jo. I am the leader in the creation of the Erratta Cannon, which you will help us test. It is a powerful laser cannon capable of destroying whole planets. A large fleet of rebels has been spotted heading towards Earth at light speed. You will sabotage the main ship around Jupiter and shut down its control. Then, none of the rebel ships will move without their leader. After you get off the ship, Geruti and a few of the scientists will set off the Erratta Cannon on the mother-ship and eliminate the entire fleet. We have hacked into the main ship’s data system. They have weak radio wave jammers, and so and found out that the some ships are carrying powerful weapons as well, so be careful. We also found out that they have called themselves the Rebellion, which suggests that they may have backup. Geruti will lead you to your ship, and we will begin our counter attack.”

Chapter 6
The Battle Through Geruti’s Eyes

I led Relictum to his ship. I knew where it was because Dr. Jo told me before he came. An awkward silence stayed between us. It was as if someone came up to us and told us that talking to each other would corrupt and destroy the whole planet.
Finally, Relictum glanced around and murmured quietly to me, “Geruti, I really don’t want to do this. I can’t fly a ship, hold of an entire fleet, or evade a huge dangerous cannon. Please, help me get out of this mess.” Fear shined in his single Reptilian eye.
I gazed at him with surprise. “Not help the humans? But… we need you. And, it will be such an honor. I always dreamed of doing such a great feat. I can’t even imagine passing by a chance not to help the humans.”
“Please. I can’t do it. I just can’t. Please help me get out of this mess,” he pleaded me.
I sighed. “They will kill you and me! However if you insist, very well. But, do not tell them I am involved if you get caught. Now, here’s the plan…” As we walked into the ship hanger, Relictum nodded after the final step and quickly went over it, since the cameras could not pick up such quiet noises, and no humans were close by.
“So, first I blast the hull of the ship, simulating me setting of some kind of shut down explosion. Then, you signal the humans to shoot, and tell them that I am a safe distance away, which will be true. Then, the cannon’s blast and the rebel ship’s debris will cover me as I will ‘crash land’ onto Venus, and will be too ‘injured’ to continue my career.” He jumped into his “Xirizuki 3500”, a Japanese fighter ship, and wished me luck. I wished him luck as well, and headed to the mother-ship.

Everything seemed to go smoothly. The fleet was there, blasting us with their cannons moving. Only few lasers shook the ship, but gave no injury to it. Relictum dodged all the lasers and shot the hull of the main ship. Smoke and flames burst from it and the ship stopped. All the other ships stopped as well, but did not heed their endless attacks. I signaled the human in charge of the Errata Cannon, and a huge, blinding ball of mass, flames, and general atomic energy shot out from the cannon at the fleet. A flash caused me to stumble backwards. A wave of energy shook our ship. I looked towards where the fleet was, and saw nothing. By nothing, I mean not even the small ship that was meant to land back on Venus. Success! I radioed Relictum’s ship just to make sure. I heard a thump, yell of pain, and then a collection of static. Static. Just static. Nothing but static.

“Hello?!” I was answered by another buzz of static. This certainly was not part of the plan. I turned off the radio and looked out the pilot’s large porthole. More large waves of energy gave me a sudden realization of what was happening. We were too close. The sound of static was still ringing in my ears when the ship blew up.

Chapter 7
20 Years Later

Relictum looked at the blood-red sky. He just finished eating another “compy”, a nickname he gave to the small predators that hunted in packs. They reminded him of “composognathus”, a creature called a “dinosaur” one of the older Reptilians told him about.

He lived on this foreign planet for twenty years. Inhabited by mainly carnivorous creatures, it was unknown to any intelligent species other than him. Twenty years ago, the escape failed. The Errata Cannon had shot too soon, and sent him flying to the gravitational pull of Jupiter. One of its moons appeared not to be a moon, but a planet whose orbit was very close to Jupiter’s. That is where he crash-landed.

The planet mysteriously resembled Earth’s rainforest atmosphere, even though it was light-years away from the sun and right next to Jupiter, a swirling ball of gas.

After waking up, Relictum found himself accompanied by two young, but weak, rebels marooned on the planet before him. He had to kill and eat them in a few days after his arrival because of ignorance of the surrounding environment and food web. He didn’t know why they were there, and did not wish to know. He wished to get revenge on the humans for causing him to land on this tropical planet.

Relictum looked back at the makeshift hut he made. It was made of logs, leaves, and parts of his broken ship. He walked in and stuck the compy’s bones in a basket. Later he would crush them and eat the powder left for calcium.

A loud sound caused Relictum to jump out of the hut. He saw a large ship lower itself onto a small patch of land in front of the hut. When it shut down, a hatch opened and two Reptilian guards ran out. They examined Relictum and their surroundings. Then a human with a large beam saber walked out and, like the guards, examined Relictum.

“I am surprised you are still alive. Relictum, right?” the man said with a strict voice.
“I-I-I… Yes, I am. How did you find me?” Relictum was a shocked. He hadn’t spoken for a long time, so to start talking again was hard.

“We were searching for you for a long time. I will explain everything in detail on the way to Earth. You will be fed on the ship. Once we get to Earth you will be given another mission. The Rebellion is very strong and-“
Relictum cut him off and said, “No.”
The man seemed surprised by his answer. “What do you mean, ‘no’; have you lost you mind here?”

“No. I will not do any more missions for you humans.” After Relictum’s statement, with a quick movement, he slashed through the man’s stomach with his claws and ripped out a large chunk of flesh, which he threw aside. Twenty years on a planet full of carnivores had paid off.
“When I say no, I mean no.” Then he dodged the lasers that the guards blasted at him and shot a claw at their throats. Then, he grabbed one of the lasers and jumped into the ship. After slashing at two more Reptilian guards, Relictum yanked the human pilot out of his seat and bit into his throat. He threw out all the bodies, closed the hatch, and started up the engine.

Relictum, fortunately, still remembered how to pilot a ship. When he reached Earth’s atmosphere, the ship turned on “auto-pilot” and flew into a hangar back in the base where, twenty Earth years ago, he received the terrible mission. When he walked out he was greeted by none other than Dr. Jo. She was noticeably older, at least in her fifties.

“Hello, how are you my old friend? Where are the others?” She didn’t even hide her sarcastic tone of voice.
“Excuse me?” Relictum was sure what was coming next, but pretended he did not.
“Relictum, we are not stupid. Security cameras on the ship showed us what you did to the guards and pilot. I assumed Captain Ross had the same fate. Surrender now and we might forgive you.” As she said this, she took out a blaster from behind her and aimed it at him. He kicked it out her hand and slashed at her stomach. She fell to the floor and cried out from pain. Relictum ran back into the ship.

In a matter of Earth hours he arrived at Venus. With a long speech that attracted many curious Reptilians who were passing by, he got thirty of them to go with him to “live freely and fight for independence.” And thus, began the Pirate race.

Chapter 8
The Assassin Clan

Relictum arrived back to the planet from where he left, right in front of his hut. All the bodies he threw out had disappeared, probably eaten. He led everyone out and gave each Reptilian an assignment.

Ten of the thirty Reptilians were scientists, and stayed in the ship to see what they could forge and attempt to make something useful. There were seven guards, who stood around the perimeter of the ship and hut, blasting away at oncoming waves of angry creatures. Three Reptilians were doctors, who went in with the scientists to help. The rest of the Reptilians did not have any particular skill, so they went into the forest to hunt for food with some blasters from the ship. Relictum took apart the hut and put it in a pile next to the ship.

As Earth weeks passed, the Assassin Clan, as they called themselves even though they were know to humans as pirates, built buildings and cars from the scraps they collected. They produced electricity from a machine they invented that could turn microscopic fabrics of space into energy that lasted for a long time. They also made the chambers humans used to make Reptilians. Later they made space ships.

Space ships were what started the Wars. When the first space ship left the planet, it let out signal back to the planet, but the Rebellion and the humans received it as well. The Rebellion and humans were at war for a long time, but they both did not like the Assassin Clan. Over time, attempts of both the Rebellion and the humans to eliminate the Clan failed. So then the humans declared war on it.

Relictum was in his office when the video intermission came. “Hello?” Relictum wasn’t very keen to talk at the moment, for he just returned from blasting away ten Rebellion fighters and was tired. But the voice that answered got him up.

A human face appeared on one half of the screen. On the other half appeared Jeracho, leader of the Rebellion.

“Leader of the Assassin Clan, the humans declare war on you,” said the human.
“So as do we,” said Jeracho. “But we do not end the war with the humans.”
The human snorted and sarcastically said, “As if we do not know that.”
Then they both hung up. Relictum called the military office and announced the problem. Everyone got ready for combat.

Chapter 9
The Final War

Numerous battles happened after that. Countless people and Reptilians got killed, including Jeracho. Relictum endlessly flew in and out of battle. Half of the Assassin Clan got killed, so the creation chamber was used more and more. The Rebellion and the humans saw that they could not eliminate the Clan alone, so they formed a temporary alliance. With twice as many attacks on the planet, the Assassin Clan stopped all research just to defend the planet.

Then, the humans got a “brilliant” idea. The Erratta Cannon hadn’t been used after the great incident many years ago, but then the humans remembered it again and decided to use it on the planet.

Relictum found out and ordered a mass evacuation, but most of the Assassins wanted to stay and fight. He and ten other Reptilians collected as many blueprints and supplies as they could, got on the largest and fastest ship, and sped away. They were so small that the humans and the Rebellion decided not to attack them. They flew into a wormhole somewhere in the Milky Way and disappeared.

A new leader commanded to attempt to push back the endless barrage of attacks, but was unsuccessful. Finally, the humans aimed the Erratta Cannon at the planet and shot. Chunks of the planet and emanating heat eliminated the Cannon and half of the entire human race and the Rebellion. The alliance between the Rebellion and the humans ended, but already the human race had the downside in the battle. Then, the human race ended.

4000 C.E.

A large flaming object landed on the barren desert planet of X82KR3. It was close to the core of the Galaxy, so could sustain no life. Or could it? The hatch of the flaming object opened and out walked a large creature with long tail. Through its gas mask eye-space, one glowing red eye was visible, and one robotic eye. The Reptilians have begun again.

You can't say civilization don't advance... in every war they kill you in a new way.
Will Rogers

July 2, 2009